Dear Sirs

Our company has been operating on the market of customs services since 1989 and in this time it has adjusted to the continuously changing international trade. Our experience allows us to offer a professional service for both, small enterprises and big concerns. We are working flexible and have always adjusted to needs and individual requirements of our clients, not once while conducting services from outside of our customs services offer. We are providing a complex services for our partners regarding the proceedings at the customs authorities. We can also support our partners at solving some problematic customs issues.

We have a network of branch offices in Poland, among others in Świecko (Terminal in Świecko on the transport route from sea ports in Germany and Netherlands), in Kielce, Olszyna and in the sea port in Szczecin and Gdynia (where we render services regarding goods imported to the sea port in Gdańsk). On our site you will find a full list of our branch offices.

Since 2010 we have an AEO certificate in the scope of customs simplifications. The status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO-C) let us use some of customs simplifications, among others lesser number of customs controls, preferential treatment of shipments – in case of customs control, preferential treatment of lodged applications or quicker customs clearances in case, when also an importer has an AEO status.

With complex customer service, we render the services in the field of:

  1. Customs Agency – the services include, among others:
    • declaring the goods imported or exported to the countries not being the members of the European Union, the so-called third countries.
      We prepare and submit to the custom office the declarations for the following procedures:
      • release for free circulation,
      • exportation,
      • procedures with economic impact (temporary admission, among others with ATA carnet, warehousing, inward and outward processing).
      After fulfilling additional conditions we can prepare customs clearance in the simplified procedure, which allows to calculate and account the import VAT in the VAT returns.
    • Brokering in making custom payments:
      • paying of customs duties from the means, which our clients paid on our account,
      • preparing of customs clearances for release for free circulation with security of our agency, according to the contract with the client,
      • service of security provided by our clients.
    • Providing of the service of customs warehouse of our clients. We prepare customs clearances, keep records of customs warehouse and issue necessary warehouse documents etc.
    • Providing of the service of shipments in the sea port in Gdynia/Gdańsk. According to the agreement with our client we can organize the manipulation of the container in the port.
    • Coverage of goods with transit procedure.
    • Lodging and confirming at the customs authorities of the certificates of origin, EUR.1 and A.TR.
    • Prepare INTRASTAT declarations for EU deliveries and acquisitions.
    • Excise settlement regarding EU acquisitions of excise goods

Should you be interested in cooperation or have any further questions, please contact the Marketing Department at: tel. +48 (95) 750-82-13, e-mail:

We kindly invite to cooperation with our Company